Ok, Mom. The phrase I heard about 3 billion times throughout my childhood.
My friend skinned her knee. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?? Let's go inside and put some peroxide on it. You don't want it to get infected, do you?" "Yea, OK, Mom..."
Childhood crush fails to put on sunblock at a youth group event. "You should really wear sunblock. You don't want to get a sunburn, they really suck. Here, I packed some in my backpack just in case. You should put some on." Ok, Mom."
My coworker skips her lunch. "You know, you're going to shrivel up and die if you don't nourish yourself. We're not busy, go in the back and eat your lunch!" "Ok, Mom."
My sister would say it to me most. She knew it got under my skin. "Olivia, You need to pick up your room. Someone is going to trip and die on all this crap." "Ok, Mom."
I'm sure every friend that I had growing up had said that to me at some point. Coworkers, teammates, crushes; (let me tell you, the mom zone is WORSE than the friend zone) I think my own mother has even said it to me. The only one who hasn't said that to me is my husband, Josh. I think I wised up and turned the mothering down because I didn't want to scare him away. Muahaha and now he's stuck with me!
Back then I hated it. Fast forward to now, what I'd do to hear "ok, Mom". My little girl Raelyn, who is 2, has yet to say ok, mom. Do you know how easy my life would be if she would say those two sweet little words? My life would be complete. That might be a bit dramatic, but you understand if you're a mom... and I'm also going on 4 hours of sleep. We're switching her to her big girl bed, and her little brother (Judah, 4 months today) is going through a sleep regression. But that's another story...